A Trusted Leader in Circular Waste Management

Sedron leads the transformation of liquid waste management with commercialized, patented and proven technologies that deliver better outcomes at a lower cost and faster delivery time, and with a smaller footprint than any other available option.

0 + Employees
0 Large Projects Completed Or Under Construction
0 x More Energy Efficient
0 Wet Tons Capacity Deployed

Donald De Jong - TestimonialHear What Our Customers Have to Say

Explore how Natural Prairie Dairy partnered with Sedron to transform its manure handling, for the benefit of its business, its land, and its Texas neighbors.

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Lowest Operating Costs Without Financial Hurdles

Sedron’s service model eliminates the financial hurdle to raise capital; you save from the significantly lower operating cost compared to alternative waste treatment solutions.


Be Ahead of Regulations and Logistic Constraints

The Varcor reduces nutrient pollution in local waterways by removing nitrogen and phosphorous efficiently. Compact on-site processing transforms biosolids into a Class A product and clean water while reducing trucking costs.


Turning Manure Lagoons into Carbon-Negative Byproducts

Sedron’s Varcor greatly reduces manure management costs, reduces environmental impact, decreases soil phosphorous loading, and recovers water—all without any capital or operating expenses for the farm.


View Sedron in the News

Discover why the nation’s leading media outlets are talking about Sedron.

Forbes Feature

Explore how waste management innovations are fueling a new circular economy.

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Fast Company World Changing Ideas

Learn how Sedron’s Varcor® system contributes to carbon-friendly agriculture.

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MIT Technology Review

See how new technologies like Sedron's Varcor® System are efficiently transforming human waste into agricultural solutions.

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Stop Worrying About Your Waste Processing Today

Looking for a pragmatic, cost effective way to get rid of your waste management challenges, while improving environmental impact? It is possible with Sedron. Let us turn your liquid waste into economic and environmental progress.

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The Varcor® Solution