Our Approach

With Sedron's turnkey approach, municipalities and agricultural producers can focus on their core operations — not capital-intensive, labor-intensive waste processing.

Sedron Does It All

(So You Don’t Have To)

Sedron brings state-of-the-art waste processing as a service to underserved North American markets that process challenging liquid wastes such as septage, biosolids, and manure. We are a fully integrated developer that supplies complete projects from conception through operations. Our standard project delivery vehicle is Design-Build-Own-Operate-Maintain (DBOOM), but we work with our customers to explore alternative delivery models and approaches including Design-Build-Transfer (DBT).

Proven Processing Services

Biosolids and Septage

These waste processing facilities can be located on-site at a host wastewater treatment plant or on a nearby parcel as the sole processor of the host’s solids. They can also operate as a regional merchant facility on an industrial parcel processing hauled-in waste from a large metro area. In each of these situations, waste generators deliver the waste and Sedron processes it for a set fee per gallon or ton.


Sedron sites these projects at a host farm or a nearby location. Liquid manure is piped to Varcor’s receiving system from the host farm — and in some cases, from nearby farms — for a lower cost per gallon than most farmers currently pay for manure management. Sedron handles the rest.

Our Approach

  • Unrivaled Technology

    Sedron invented and patented the Varcor® system. The heart of each project, the Varcor continues to be manufactured, assembled, and installed by Sedron in the U.S.

  • Project Development

    Sedron’s development team secures a suitable site, waste supply, and all necessary permits required for construction.

  • Project Financing

    Backed by a leading private equity firm, Sedron has the ability to self-finance all new projects.

  • Design Engineering

    With more than 100 engineers on staff, Sedron customizes our Varcor installation design to meet the needs of each project.

  • Construction Management

    Sedron’s project managers oversee permitting, design, construction, and installation. We work with local construction firms and trades on every project.

  • Operations and Maintenance

    Once the system is installed and commissioned, our Operations and Maintenance Team operates the system for the next 20+ years at our own expense.

  • End-product Off-take

    Our in-house agronomy team stores, markets, and sells the nitrogen fertilizer and dried solids produced by Varcor projects.

Top view of indoor facilities for manure upcycling

Meet the Varcor®

Sedron’s patented Varcor system turns liquid waste into dry solids and distilled products cheaper, faster, and much more efficiently than alternative solutions on the market.

See How it Works

Dive Into Our Track Record

More than a decade after our engineers were challenged to solve the world’s waste and sanitation challenge, we’re still driven by the same spirit of invention and original thinking.

View Our Story

Solve Your Waste Processing Challenges Today

Experience the turnkey approach that solves waste processing problems at a significantly lower operating cost — without investment or environmental tradeoffs.

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The Varcor® Solution